磷酸二氫鋅,磷酸二氫錳,馬日夫鹽,硝酸鋅,磷化劑制造(phosphate,zincsalt factory)
德興市平峰磷業有限公司成立于2007年,位于江西上饒德興,地處浙江,江西,安徽交界處,交通方便距離高鐵站僅6公里,高速出口2公里,物流發達,輻射華東,華南,華中。 工廠占地25畝,主要生產硝酸鋅,磷酸二氫鋅,磷酸二氫錳,馬日夫鹽,加工磷化劑。公司從磷化源頭原料開始生產,保證了產品品質穩定以及成本的控制。 公司有高工多名,具有強大的技術開發能力,同時也為客戶提供化工技術咨詢服務。
Founded in 2007, the factory is located in Dexing, Shangrao, Jiangxi, at the junction of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui. Convenient transportation, only 6km away from high-speed railway station, 2km away from high-speed exit, developed logistics, radiating East China, South China and central China. The factory mainly produces zinc nitrate, zinc dihydrogen phosphate, manganese dihydrogen phosphate, mariff salt and phosphating agent. The factory has advanced technology, stable and excellent quality. At the same time, the company also operates related chemical hardware products. Provide chemical technology consulting service.